If you refuse to listen to the cry of the poor, your own cry for help will not be heard.
Proverbs 21:13
Animals dead. Rotting.
Eaten up by hyenas, foxes and even the dogs that once used to tend them.
The social media is full of heart wrenching clips of animals dying, children sipping water from the same muddy pools as animals ....... as all animals do in game reserves.
The gap between the haves and have-nots has never been more stark and glaring.
In Wajir, some of the wiser men have stopped or reduced eating meat due the suspicions that most of the meat is 'harvested ' from dying or dead animals.
They prefer the once unthinkable broiler chicken from down Kenya..
In Uasin Gishu and TransNzoia, the granaries of Kenya - there is no longer hope in agriculture. Those who own farms do the farming out of habit - nay almost conviction rather than the joy and harvests that farming brings.
Doom is never too far off on the horizon.
But human beings are hopeful creatures.
They believe.
In God they trust.
They have hope, more precisely they retain hope.... for without this - life has no meaning, no purpose.
The have-nots live life from one meal to the next.
The clothes they wear are their only set of apparel.
They believe.
In God they trust.
They have hope, more precisely they retain hope.... for without this - life has no meaning, no purpose.
The have-nots live life from one meal to the next.
The clothes they wear are their only set of apparel.
On the other side - the 'haves' and the rich wallow in riches and wastefulness.
They are busy campaigning...elections are round the corner and they must secure their political seats. For without this their opulent life will not and cannot be sustained and the handouts they dish out to the have-nots which perpetuate the poverty of the have-nots will no longer be possible.
The richer get richer and the poor fall further down into the abyss depths of abject poverty.
So the question begs an answer, why don't the poor revolt!
The rich give them just enough handouts to keep their heads above water, just enough to barely survive. It is important to keep the poor alive and barely healthy - for without the poor the rich cannot get their political power to rape and plunder the society further.
The rich (the haves); catwalk and parade into mosques and churches....with fake expressions of holiness befitting only the evil. But the poor and the society in general has long forgotten to discern between genuine faith, humility and holiness from hypocrisy. Its a thin line! And the poor are fuether easily confused by the flashy kanzus and designer suits the rich wear as they arrive in mosques and churches in their expensive cars. They are wearing very expensive watches and designer shoes. And they greet the have-nots with deference and an aloofness which only the rich know how to wear...
Here and there they give out a 100 shilling the end of the show he will have given out not more the 350 shillings - the poor will think they have dished out a million in charity! If only they knew the truth.
Who caused this global warming ? The poor? No ... no way! But who suffers its effects the most? Your guess is as good as mine.
The Day of Judgement is not far!
You the rich...repent and stop wearing those smug faces and cynical smiles....come back to humanity. Humble yourselves!
For without a change in this world order; the haves will subjugate and colonise the have-nots.
The gap will widen.
But also keep in mind that hell has enough space for as many billions as deserve to be there!
Are you one of those, am I one of those?
Have you heard of the anecdote of the camel and eye of the needle??
Let us all reflect and ponder!!!
We must all strive to love one another in a genuine and fair way....whether there is drought or global warming or not!
We must all strive to love one another in a genuine and fair way....whether there is drought or global warming or not!
The gap between the haves and the have-nots has to be reduced substantially.....this situation cannot be sustained for too long.
Not just because of the suffering in the world but because balance is an important equaliser and in case efforts are not made to ameliorate this....then nature will do it by default, by force, by revolt, and by needs must be done and thus it will happen.
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