And He it is who spread the earth and made in it firm mountains and rivers .... The Holy Quran (Surah Rad. ver.3) 20May2022 The announcement is curt and clear - ' Remember we leave Sabache Camp at 330am' the group leader whom we all referred to as AW announced in a firm but soft voice. She is an avid hiker and arranges trips for friends and also those suffering travel lust - as I do. Today we are in Samburu County in Northern Kenya. And Mt Ololokwe is one of several granite massifs that straddle the expansive County. Other include fold mountains such as the Ndotto Range and Mathews Range further up North - among several other beautiful mountains and mountain ranges. The North of Kenya is a beautiful part of the country that too few of us majority of Kenyans are aware of (wake up compatriots....we are missing out on a very beautiful part of our motherland!). This is partly but also largely because the North has for long been a no-go zone for decades due to the poor infrastruct...