
Showing posts from January, 2022

LAMU & MPEKETONI: A tale of donkeys & boda bodas

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Andre Gide 30 January 2022 Today I am off to Lamu. Its been many years since I was last there. Probably 18 or 20 years ago. It must have changed since then. AGENTS OF CHANGE: There have been major parameters that have been agents of change in the world and specifically in Kenya. Climate change. Mobile phones. Spread of Internet. Boda bodas - yes yes Boda Bodas have been a major agent of change in Africa - I am digressing but I have to say this..... in Africa today even the most remote regions are now just a ride away and the youth are widely and largely empowered by Boda Bodas.  But with tongue in cheek I am informed by a local boda boda rider that certainly more than half of babies born in our maternity wards are fathered by Boda Bodas riders since they have the ready cash and small change needed to sort out the immediate and urgent needs of our young and middle aged families. This...


If you refuse to listen to the cry of the poor, your own cry for help will not be heard. Proverbs 21:13 View of Mt Elgon & bare Landscape of what is usually lush and green! The pictures are stark. Animals dead. Rotting.  Eaten up by hyenas, foxes and even the dogs that once used to tend them. The social media is full of heart wrenching clips of animals dying, children sipping water from the same muddy pools as animals ....... as all animals do in game reserves. The gap between the haves and have-nots has never been more stark and glaring. In Wajir, some of the wiser men have stopped or reduced eating meat due the suspicions that most of the meat is 'harvested ' from dying or dead animals. They prefer the once unthinkable broiler chicken from down Kenya.. In Uasin Gishu and TransNzoia, the granaries of Kenya - there is no longer hope in agriculture. Those who own farms do the farming out of habit - nay almost conviction rather than the joy and harvests that farming brin...