
Showing posts from April, 2021


  Dit Galgalo 6Nov2017 There is no path to happiness. Happiness is the path. Buddha When you travel North of Kenya you learn one thing - well not quite one - you learn many things - but one of things you learn is that Somalis and Boranas are two very distinct tribes - they don't even share a language - and yes there isnt much love lost between them…..because of one Senior Chief Wabera and many other reasons too.  Does that ring a bell? Yes Wabera Street is named after him. But that is a story for another day. My first trip to the North was to Marsabit. The year - 2006 or thereabouts.                                                         Merille River (photo by ALK)    The road from Nairobi to Isiolo was fully tarmaced … but from Isiolo to well yes upwards ….. Murram.  Murram with a variety of dust colours. From Isiolo to Archers Post the dust is whitish greyish. From Archers going North it becomes a little more brown and as you approach Marsabit it become redd


  27April2021 THE WORLD IS A BOOK AND THOSE WHO DO NOT TRAVEL READ ONLY ONE PAGE. St.Augustine Sunrise in Wajir (photo: ALK) It’s a seemingly endless road. Not many people about. An occasional herd of goats and dorper sheep. A couple of camels being driven to another destination. The landscape is almost featureless. Only punctuated by Acacia tress and ‘mathenge’ shrubs along the roadsides. Birds fly across the road in groups and singularly. Mostly doves and sand grouses drinking from muddy pools of water formed during the previous nights rains. Yes it is supposed to be rainy season; but with global warming the weather is no longer predictable nor regular. Acacia Tree in Wajir (photo: ALK)  We are enroute to Wajir in North Eastern Kenya. I have a project there – the Al Fatah Waqf project. Abit of history for you – Al Fatah Madrassah is the oldest madrassah in the region. Started in 1948 – it is the source of some of the most learned Imams in Kenya. In fact it is so prominent that